Who we are

Rites is a life-changing process grounded in traditional Afrikan values. 


Centred around life’s transitions, the Yensomu Rites program is a 5-6 months process, consisting of an assessment of readiness, bi-monthly meetings, a weekend retreat and an initiation ceremony.

 Yensomu’s process cultivates one’s identity positively through critical thinking and learning, community competence, challenges and developing life skills, and providing candidates with a deeper connection to their history and tradition through mentoring support.


Explore life's existential questions through Rites.​

Who Am I?

What values, history, traditions and cultural precepts do I recognize, respect, and continue?

How did I come to be who I am?

What were/are the forces, events, people which have come together to frame who I am?

Am I really who I think I am?

To what extent do I understand, internalize, employ, and reflect the cultural authenticity of my origins?

What is my life Purpose?

"Initiation fundamentally has to do with transformation, and has been a central component of traditional African cultures since time immemorial. The details of the rites vary among the different societies, but these rites are nevertheless basic components of the society as they help guide the person from one stage in life into the next stage of one's life and development, that is from birth to death and beyond. The five rites are birth, adulthood, marriage, eldership and ancestorship. A rite is a fundamental act (or set of rituals) performed according to prescribed social rules and customs.
Muni Apim
Professor, Africana Studies
"My experience with Yensomu was a life altering process. It gave me a greater sense of who I was and more clarity of purpose. My rites group dua kro has been a continued source of support for myself, family and community. I would strongly recommend the Yensomu rites process"
Paul aka Ras Kofi Sadat Osbourne
"Going through the Rites process was a life changing experience. Rites of Passage has expanded my knowledge of self and has given me the tools needed to express my purpose and how to fulfil that purpose. Rites also allowed me the freedom to free myself from time constraints and understand that fulfilling my purpose is a lifelong journey that will take each day to learn. As an African woman, I now have a new found closeness to my heritage, myself and my culture, something that had been missing for a long time. I would acknowledge and thank my elders, Brother sipho, Sister Lindis, Sister Chris and Brother Lee for being the guardians of our fragile self during that journey. To my brothers and sisters in Ese Ne Tekrema, you are the most wonderful beings that I have ever met and I am so honoured to have walked that journey with you and amongst you. You remain my source of inspiration and strength when I reflect on those months that we spent together and beyond."
Carole Cushnie
Afua (Carole) - the wanderer who is also full of growth, creativity and ingenuity

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